Dr. Joe Wong Clinic
Chiropractic Physical Therapy
Chiropractic Physical Therapy
Chiropractic does not use Western medicine or surgery to solve a patient's pain problems. Chiropractic is the practice of using manual manipulation to treat a patient. Chiropractic and physical therapy can treat sciatica, herniated discs, low back pain, neck pain, dizziness, headaches, and scoliosis.
The root cause of most pain is spinal joint misalignment and nerve compression, which leads to inflammation and pain. The brain transmits messages to various parts of the body, such as bones, skin, and internal organs, through nerves. If the impingement is severe, various pains will occur in the bones, the joints and the skin. You will feel tingling or numbness, and the internal organs may also experience functional changes, such as stomach pain, rapid heartbeat, difficulty breathing, frequent urination, constipation, etc.
But everyone must also understand that most pain is caused by accumulated wear and tear, which leads to degeneration. Each misaligned joint will have past memory of the displacement. Therefore, during the process of receiving spinal adjustment, it is necessary to repeat the correction for a period of time to get rid of the old displacement memory and allow the bones to re-establish the correct joint position and alignment. Now many spinal physical therapy clinics have also stationed different physical therapy modalities, such as ultrasound, interference, magnetic therapy beds, shock waves, etc., to incorporate with spinal correction adjustment, so that patients can get the fastest and best treatment results.
Modalities for Chiropractic Treatments
Spinal Decompression Table
The Decompression Table will gently stretch and flex downward (Traction & Flexion). This action helps increase the distance between the vertebrae, allowing the intervertebral disc to form a vacuum state of negative pressure, thereby producing a sucking effect, sucking back the outflowing intervertebral disc nucleus pulposus and returning it to its original position, while replenishing the water in the intervertebral disc and promoting blood supply to the intervertebral disc, thereby accelerating the repair process.
Shock wave
Shock wave therapy can relieve inflammation and pain for neck pain, disc herniation, back pain, sciatica, knee pain, and numbness in hands and feet. Another effect of shock wave therapy is that it can stimulate cell regeneration and speed up the repair of the affected area.
Manual therapy
Manual therapy can restore the spine and joints to their original positions, to put the body's bones in place, and ensure even alignment and balance, and protect the affected area from unnecessary pressure so that it can be repaired quickly!